Asset Management
We help you find the right solutions, at the right time, and for the right reasons.
We help water and wastewater utilities along with storm water and flood protection agencies manage their assets in accordance with best practices. We bring you 30+ years of experience with public works.
With our asset management services, we help you identify capital projects and O&M activities that manage risk and minimize the total cost of owning/operating your assets, while allowing you to deliver your desired levels of service. Asset management is more important now than ever because of lean budgets, aging infrastructure, and increasing demands on your system.
We will help you answer the following questions about your system:
What is the current state of my assets?
What is my desired level of service?
Which assets are critical to meeting my desired level of service?
What are my minimum life cycle costs?
What is my best long-term funding strategy?
Inventory of assets
Condition and performance assessments
Vulnerability assessments
Useful life determinations
Life cycle cost analyses
Determine asset values
Document levels of service
Business risk assessments
Capital improvement plans
Operation and maintenance plans
Hazard mitigation and disaster recovery plans
Funding strategies
Let's talk about your needs.