What is resident inspection? Resident inspection is a service where a qualified individual provides extensive on-site observations on behalf of the owner or engineer to determine if the contractor's work conforms to the construction contract documents. A resident inspector is also referred to as a resident project representative.
Under the design-bid-build method of project delivery an owner contracts with an engineer to design plans and specifications and makes them available for competitive bidding. A construction contract is awarded to the contractor who is the lowest responsive bidder. A contract is then executed between the owner and contractor and construction is initiated. The engineer provides a variety of construction phase engineering services.
Some owners contract directly with a firm to provide resident inspection services on their behalf. Others rely on the engineer to provide inspection services under the contract between the engineer and owner.
What services does the resident inspector provide?
Attendance at pre-construction meetings
Site observations
Review of progress schedule, schedule of shop drawing submittals and schedule of values
Daily logs
Monitors shop drawing approvals
Attendance at progress meetings
Review of pay applications and schedule updates
Observing tests
Notification to the owner and engineer of non-conforming work
Assistance with change orders
Assistance with interpretations
Maintaining records
Substantial and final inspections
Punch lists
Facilitates delivery of O&M manuals and as-built plans
Does the resident inspector supervise the contractor?
No, the resident inspector doesn't control or direct the contractor's personnel and means and methods. The resident inspector has no contractual relationship with the contractor.
What are the characteristics of great inspector?
It is a given that having experience and training is important, however, the following basic characteristics are also essential for an inspector:
Fairness and impartiality
Excellent communication and organizational skills
Common sense
Appreciates the benefits of project being constructed
How does resident inspection reduce risk? Basic engineering services only require the engineer to make infrequent site visits to observe construction. Having more extensive observations by a resident inspector has the following benefits:
Facilitates contractor's proper interpretation of drawings and specs
Facilitates communications between contractor, A/E and owner
Identification of non-conforming work in real time rather than after the fact
Careful documentation that reduces liability exposure of the owner and engineer
Protection of owner and A/E against costly defects, deficiencies and delays in construction work
Project objectives and benefits are realized
Quality construction is achieved
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, many owners are under economic strain, therefore, it is more important now than ever to reduce risk during construction.
Artovia provides quality resident inspection services for a wide variety of construction projects. Our experience includes construction observations for over $6 million in drainage and roadway improvements in St. Tammany Parish.
Contact us at 985-900-2320 to learn more about our resident inspection capabilities, including DOTD certified asphalt paving inspections. https://www.artovia.com/on-site-construction-observations
Prepared by: Paul Barcelona, President, Artovia